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Writer's pictureLWML Atlantic District

¡Atrévete en Cristo!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13 NKJV)

During these summer months, the LWML Atlantic District has been represented in several

conventions and events. Thank you to all who traveled, attended, and served during these events.

Highlights from the Zones:

Suffolk Zone:

On May 13th, the Suffolk Zone held its Spring Event at Holy Trinity, Middle Island. VP for

Human Care June Deebrah, VP for Mission Outreach Jeanette Coulthrust and I attended and encouraged the ladies in the Suffolk Zone. A baby shower for Life Center of Long Island was conducted as the ingathering. A representative from that organization was the presenter for the day. We are thankful for the exciting upcoming events and the retreat that the Suffolk Zone is planning.

Triune Zone:

On June 25th, the ladies of the Triune Zone met via Zoom to connect about upcoming events to be held in-person. Pastor Peter Deebrah led the gathering with a prayer service. During the meeting, Abraham, the comfort dog, greeted us on screen. I shared information on the Fall Retreat. We are thankful for the ongoing leadership of Ms. Sandra Campbell.

Queens Zone:

On August 27th, the leaders of the local groups gathered for a meet and greet via Zoom. I was invited to share about the upcoming events and plans for the Atlantic District. The Queens Zone shared the joys and struggles of local groups and congregations. We continue to pray together.

Other Highlights from the District:

On June 4, 2022, an LWML Atlantic District welcome packet was given to The Rev. Dr. Thomas Johnson at his installation as the new Pastor of Saint Luke’s Lutheran Church, Dix Hills. On June 5, 2022, an LWML Atlantic District welcome packet was given to The Rev. David Haberer at his installation as the new Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church of Locust Manor. On July 9, 2022, Pastor Peter Deberny was installed at Grace, Mastic Beach; Past President Linda Guteres and other board members greeted him on behalf of the LWML Atlantic District and presented the welcome packet to him. We give thanks to God that He provides for His people.

On June 26th, Past President Linda Guteres and I were pinned at Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church in The Bronx. Past President Linda Guteres also was honored and thanked for her time of service with a brick on the Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church Prayer Path donated by Redeemer LIPS (Ladies In Prayer and Service). Many people from the Atlantic District attended, including Past President Maureen Consiglio and current LWML Atlantic District leadership members. An outdoor reception was conducted after the 11AM Liturgy in celebration of all our Lord has done.

July 2022 was a summer of conventions for the LCMS. I attended the LCMS Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas where I met with other LWML District Presidents. As the hundreds and thousands of youth came to the LWML booth, it was an honor to communicate with them about the work of Lutheran Women in Mission.

On July 23rd, I had the opportunity to bring greetings to the LCMS Atlantic District’s 61st Regular Convention. I introduced our LWML Atlantic District focus phrase, “Atrévete en Cristo,” to pastors, commissioned workers, and laity as we together “Dare in Christ” to reassess, reimagine, and revitalize while we remain in God’s Word and are “Engaging the World with the Gospel of Hope.” At this convention, we had a booth at which we gave away mite boxes, mission grant newsletters, and other goodies. We also supplied bags for the convention attendees.

I have had the honor of praying with people in the Zones and hearing from them about what they and local groups are doing, especially as we look to the end of the pandemic. We aim to address the

needs, frustrations, and apathy that has been described so that together we are “Making Disciples for Life.”

I remain thankful for the ongoing work of the Executive Committee of the LWML Atlantic District and the various committees that have met during the summer months. I am thankful for the many wonderful conversations and for hearing people’s creative ideas. I also hear the struggles that we are facing and appreciate the honesty with which they are shared, especially with respect not only to local groups but with respect to the congregations of the district in general. This is part of the “reassessing” that I hope will continue. I know that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us; we press forward, gather mites, connect with those who are missing, and encourage people to be present and attend LWML AD events. At the same time, we dare to try new things for the Kingdom as we hear the clarion call–Atrévete en Cristo.

May our Lord continue to bless you as you “Serve the Lord with Gladness!”

¡Atrévete en Cristo!

Grace, mercy, and peace,

Deaconess Raquel A. Rojas

LWML Atlantic District President


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