Hymn Devotion
Martin Rinckart (1586-1617), a Lutheran pastor, wrote the hymn, “Now Thank We All Our God,” during the Thirty Years’ War. He served faithfully at a difficult time as he officiated at thousands of funerals, assumed additional clergy responsibility at other parishes when their pastors died, and organized emergency food assistance during the plague. Surrounded by disease, war, and death, Rinckart wrote the text for the beloved hymn, “Now Thank We All Our God.”
Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things has done, In whom His world rejoices.
Who from our mothers’ arms has blest us on our way
With countless gifts of love, and still is ours today.
Oh, may this bounteous God through all our life be near us,
With ever joyful hearts and blessed peace to cheer us
And keep us in His grace and guide us when perplexed
And free us from all ills in this world and the next!
All praise and thanks to God the Father now be given,
The Son, and Him who reigns with them in highest heaven,
The one eternal God, whom earth and heav’n adore;
For thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore.
How could Pastor Rinckart give thanks in the dark reality of his existence? The answer may be found in the inscription of the signet ring which he wore: MVSICA. Mein Vertrauen Steht In Christo Allein (“my trust is in God alone”) Faith in Jesus Christ transformed Rinckart’s perception of reality. Through faith in Jesus Christ, he, in turn, showed mercy to the grieving and fed the hungry, enabling open ears and hearts to experience God’s wondrous love.
Generations later, through the eyes of faith, we, too, marvel at the wondrous things God has done. We see how God blesses us every step of the way…from when we are first held in our mother’s arms to this very moment. We know that even when we are perplexed, our bounteous God continues to guide us. Like Rinckart, we proclaim the wondrous things God has done with ever-joyful hearts!
Thanks be to God!
Happy Thanksgiving, dear Sisters in Christ!
Cantor Jean Boehler
Vice President for Spiritual Life
LWML Atlantic District