In just a few short days, LWML’s 2022 Convention, “Running the Race….Looking to
Jesus” will begin.
As you are able, I strongly encourage you to watch the convention using the livestream link located on the front page of the website. I am confident that you will be richly blessed as you watch the opening worship service, hear mission speakers, take part in the Bible studies, and learn of the newly adopted 2021-2023 mission grants.
Make sure to watch the banner procession. When you do you will see Maureen Consiglio walking with the beautiful banner prepared by Kathy Montalbano.

Even though I am not able to take part in the mission walk in Kentucky, why not make a pledge and sponsor someone in the convention’s Mission Walk? There are about 1,000 people signed up to walk to raise money for mites. As always, ANY SIZE pledge would be a great blessing toward the LWML Mission Goal!

Please keep everyone involved with this convention in your prayers! Hosting a convention such as this is a monumental task which engages hundreds of people in service along with thousands who attend.
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