God’s mercy and grace be upon you and your families!
The last seven months have been somewhat unsettling. Many of us have become ill or lost loved ones. Some have had to work from remote locations while others have lost jobs and their source of income. People have had to isolate themselves to help prevent them from coming in contact with the virus.
Saying things have been weird is an understatement!
Though things may seem dismal, many of us have risen to the occasion. Even though our churches had to close their doors, many have learned how to create virtual worship services, bible studies and prayer sessions that are reaching a wider scope of people than ever before!
We, the women of the LWML Atlantic District , had to cancel our convention. But we were able to electronically vote on our Mission Grants expanding the voting delegation and creating a smoother and more accurate voting procedure.
The servant event planned for LWML AD's convention HAS NOT BEEN CANCELED! We are collecting items for school kits for The New LIFE School and Children’s Service (Family LIFE). The New LIFE School and Children’s Service (Family LIFE) provides a place for unaccompanied minors until they can be reunited with family members who reside in the United States. The children are cared for in their basic needs and taught how to survive in a foreign land. (Please see flyer for further details).
Even though we had to cancel our Fall retreat at Tuscarora, we are beginning to plan an exciting online retreat scheduled for early November. Registration will be limited to ensure everyone has a great retreat experience. Details will be posted soon, so make sure to keep an eye out for them!
Back in June we hosted an online Young Women’s event called, “Denim and Heels.” More than 35 women attended this well received event. If you missed it, don’t fret! We will be hosting a virtual “Happy Hour” scheduled for Friday, November 6 at 7 p.m. Make plans to attend! Details will be forthcoming!
But the true reason I’m writing to you today is this—the work of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Atlantic District HAS NOT CEASED! Our mission grant goal of $78,000 will bless 14 mission projects over the course on the next 2 years. These projects will help spread the message of salvation in Jesus Christ throughout our local and world-wide communities. Eleven out of the 14 adopted mission grants are for projects within our very own District! We DESPERATELY NEED YOUR SUPPORT!
First and foremost, please keep the LWML AD in your prayers. During this time of unease and unrest, we especially ask for prayers of guidance, wisdom, and stamina as we continue to press on with His Kingdom’s work.
Second, if you desire to become involved with LWML AD, or have any thoughts or questions regarding what we do, please contact me. It would be my blessing to have a conversation with you.
Lastly, we boldly ask for your financial support. If you were planning to attend our Fall retreat at Tuscarora—would you possibly consider donating part of that cost to our Mission Goal?
Perhaps you were planning to attend our convention—could you donate a portion of what you would have paid for your accommodations? Would you be willing to host or assist with a walk-a-thon? Do you have other fund raising ideas you would like to discuss?
Let’s have a conversation and find out how you can bless the LWML Atlantic District !
I can’t wait to hear from you!
Forever in His Service,
Linda Guteres,
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